We specialise in working with companies looking to implement chatbot and speech agent technologies in customer facing roles.
Our team of experienced researchers will work closely with you to understand your business goals, target audience, and user needs, and develop a custom design that aligns with your brand identity and delivers exceptional user experiences that keeps visitors coming back for more.
Ideally this should happen very early in the design process, but whether you are in early ideation, have built functioning prototypes, or already have a fully operational system our team can offer evidence based advice to help you better understand the pitfalls of HMD design and strategise to create compelling interactions that keeps visitors coming back for more.
Whatever stage you are at in your design process, we can help take your chatbot and automated speech agent UX to the next level!
If early automated speech agent design has taught us one thing it's this: excluding the end user during the design process will invariably lead to poor UX.
To design a HMD system that people enjoy interacting with, both the use context and the diverse needs of your target users should be front and centre; from early ideation right through to evaluating operational systems.
Whether you are looking to carry out exploratory work aimed at identify these needs, or whether you are looking to quantify user behaviours to validate how well your system addresses them, we have the expertise to guide you through the process or carry out research on your behalf.
Our services here might range from developing a full program of research, carrying out a one-off user study aimed at answer a specific question, analysis of existing data, or simply offering advice on study designs.
HMD Research specialises in developing bespoke psychometric tools that allow you to reliably measure your customers' subjective experiences.
Tools like this provide nuanced understanding about the needs of diverse customer segments, and ensure continuity in how UX is measured and understood across R&D departments.
We specialise in constructing and validating these types of scales within the context of customer interactions with your specific system in the use context it was designed for.
We can also execute all aspects of survey based work, from helping your organisation identify appropriate research questions, to creating efficient surveys designed to address those questions. We can also take care of administration and data collection, whether online or in-person, and conduct analysis using state-of-the-art statistical techniques.